First, get the sessid using the following sql:
select unique dbsname db, tabname table, case when type="S" then "shared lock" when type="IS" then "intent shared lock" when type="SIX" then "shared intent excl lock" when type="XS" then "shared key value by RR" when type="IX" then "intent excl lock" when type="X" then "exclusive lock" when type="XR" then "excl key value by RR" when type="U" then "update lock" when type="B" then "byte lock" else "unknown lock type" end lock_type, lpad(owner,5) ses_id, lpad(waiter,5) wait_id from sysmaster:syslocks where tabname != 'sysdatabases';
And check the table concerned by the lock. Using its session id, you can now unlock it with:
>onmode -z <sess_id>
Thanks to this thread