Remove null values from JSON object and ignore unavailable properties

The definition of web services using Spring is quite easy (see here for details), based on Jackson, the data marshalling/unmarshalling is totally hidden to the developer and it works perfectly. But I encountered performance issues with the null values, I had to manage some classes with a lot of data, and they often contain empty… Continue reading Remove null values from JSON object and ignore unavailable properties

Implementing CSRF protection with Angular-js

After 2 articles on the security, I continue with the set up of the CSRF protection using Spring security. The main idea behind is to prevent some one else to create (forge) a request without our authorization. Imagine that a page uses JavaScript to send something like, if you are connected to your bank… Continue reading Implementing CSRF protection with Angular-js

Angular-js and Restful web services access

Following my previous article about the integration of Spring Security with web services, I will now explain how I integrate it with an Angular-js project. For that purpose, I am a little bit lazy and I use a project I already written instead of building a completely new one. The project is a “funny” pet-store… Continue reading Angular-js and Restful web services access

Securing Restful web services using Spring-Security

After several months of silent, I woke up… With some security interests! The security is a common requirement on many web projects, and fortunately, Spring helps us to implement it. The most common way to do it is just defining a set of rules and letting Spring manage the login and so on. In this… Continue reading Securing Restful web services using Spring-Security

Add CORS management with Tomcat and Angular-Js

In one of my projects, I decided to setup a SOA architecture using Angular-Js as the UI layer. My main focus is to have a clear separation between the business and the presentation. Another benefit of this is that it is possible the use different servers to these 2 parts. But doing this causes an… Continue reading Add CORS management with Tomcat and Angular-Js

Add global exception management in Rest web service

Since I adopted a Restful architecture, I need also a simple way for the exceptions management. With Spring, it can be easily set-up with in a central class, avoiding a painful management per service. To do this, we need to define a class with the @ControllerAdvice annotation, this class will be automatically associated to our… Continue reading Add global exception management in Rest web service